502044 - Computer organization

Undergraduate course, Faculty of IT, TDT university, 2023

The operation of a digital circuit to solve a basic arithmetic or logic operation; and how high-level languages are compiled to machine code.

Lecture notes

Chapter 1 - Digital Systems and Binary Numbers

Chapter 2 - Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates

Chapter 3 - Gate-level minimization

Chapter 4 - Combination logic circuits

Chapter 5 - Synchronous Sequential Logic

Chapter 6 - Computer Abstractions and Technology

Chapter 7 - Instructions_ Language of the Computer

Chapter 8 - Arithmetic for Computers

Chapter 9 - The processor

Chapter 10 - Memory Hierarchy

Chapter 11 - Parallel Processors

LAB instruction

Logism part - Instruction on Logism to design and analyst cirucuit (Vietnamese language)

(This MIPS is not completed. I’m editing on “Sub program in assembly”. Please come back and get update version ;-)

MARS MIPS part - Instruction on MARS MIPS to coding and compile assembly MIPS language (Vietnamese language)

Supplimental materals

Review on design and analyst logic circuits (Vietnamese language)

This section is not avaiable yet :-( Review on MIPS language and computer instructions (Vietnamese language)

Recommend books

(Look for them in your e-library site or search by yourself)

[1] Morris R. Mano (Author), Michael D. Ciletti, [2019] Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL

[2] David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, [2014], Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 5th edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Contact me

All of above information is references only. Obviously, there might error on translating or editing. Feel free to contact me by email trantin84@gmail.com and I really appreciate your help in completing the documents.